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  1. Cloud-Eye, by Katherine Gallagher

  2. The Emigrant Mother, by William Wordsworth

  3. Mama's Dress, by John Malcolm Pouch

  4. Maternity, by Marjorie Allen Seiffert

  5. Maui, Early, a Night of Bad Dreams, by Lyn Lifshin

  6. Mere de Douleur, by Eliza Allen Starr

  7. The Mother, by Arthur Guiterman

  8. Mother, by Lola Ridge

  9. Mother, by Rossiter Worthington Raymond

  10. A Mother's Grave, by William Wendell Riley

  11. My Mother's Hands, by Zaina Anwar

  12. My Mother's Sweet Kiss, by Sarah Josepha Hale

  13. Oh Mother!, by Kristijana Xhuxhi

  14. Only Dust Settles, by Amy Standring

  15. Pictures on Memory's Wall, by Ardelia Cotton Barton

  16. Somebody's Mother, by Mary Dow Brine

  17. Song of the Old Mother, by W. B. Yeats

  18. To All Ye Motherless, by Kenneth Rand

  19. To Mother, by Nellie Seele Evans

  20. Womb, by Julijana Velichkovska