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The moon clad in her burqa
Embellished with the stars
Watches through her veil
The city of Al-Qasbah


Candles housed in clay lanterns
Their flames quivering in the breeze
The majlis, fragranced with myrrh
Hookahs, wine and grapes


As Ziryab strums the Oud
His mellifluous voice
Bewitches the guests
Their bodies, inebriated with myrrh


The Bait ul- Samira
With its twisted maze
Fools many with its demented charm
But its her that they all come to see


Sabih announces her arrival
With the Darbukah
His each note followed by bells
As she enters


She raises her veil
Her fair skin and dark eyes
Pleasing to ones carnal desires
She begins the raqs sharqi


With the chiming zilz
And the flowing silk
She draws the hungry eyes
Deeper into the abyss... Of the Qasbah