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  1. Advice To a Blue-Bird, by Maxwell Bodenheim

  2. The Bird at Greenwood, by Edna Dean Proctor

  3. A Bird Hatches, by Keith Holyoak

  4. Bird Music, by Rose Terry Cooke

  5. Birds, by Sarah Josepha Hale

  6. Birds of Passage, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  7. Birds of Prey, by Claude McKay

  8. Birds of Spring, by Watie W. Swanzy

  9. Bird Songs, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

  10. The Blackbird, by Alfred Tennyson

  11. The Bluebird, by Andrew Downing

  12. Bluebird, by Edith Willis Linn Forbes

  13. The Bluebird, by Edna Dean Proctor

  14. The Bluebird, by John Burroughs

  15. Chorus of Birds, by Aristophanes

  16. The Crow, by G. K. Thomas

  17. The Crow, by John Burroughs

  18. The Crows, by Kenneth Rand

  19. The Dalliance of Eagles, by Walt Whitman

  20. Dead Thrushes, by Nicarchus

  21. Duval's Birds, by Conrad Aiken

  22. Empty Nests, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

  23. The Exposed Nest, by Robert Frost

  24. From the Shore, by Carl Sandburg

  25. Grackles, by Walter Wykes

  26. The Green Linnet, by William Wordsworth

  27. Had I But Wings Like Thine, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

  28. Hearing the Early Oriole, by Bai Juyi

  29. How the Birds Came, by Arthur Guiterman

  30. The Hummingbird, by Andrew Downing

  31. Interview With a Robin, by S. Moore

  32. The Invalid to the Caged Bird, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

  33. Lapwings, by Alison Brackenbury

  34. The Lesson, by Rose Terry Cooke

  35. The Life of a Bird, by Edith Matilda Thomas

  36. The Little Chickadee Warbler of the Winter Woods, by Isaac McLellan

  37. The Loon, by Lew Sarett

  38. Migrating Birds that Come to the Found and Food Basket Near My Window, by August Wilhelm Wern

  39. Mockingbird, by August Wilhelm Wern

  40. The Mockingbird, by Du Fu

  41. A Mocking-Bird, by Witter Bynner

  42. My Partridge, by Agathias

  43. The Nightingale, by Anna Katherine Green

  44. The Nightingale, by Sara Coleridge

  45. North for the Winter, by Greg Vovos

  46. The Notes of the Birds, by Isaac McLellan

  47. Oh Little Bird, a poem by Edwin Leibfreed

  48. The Oriole, by Andrew Downing

  49. The Oven Bird, by Robert Frost

  50. The Owl, by Alfred Tennyson

  51. Purple Martins, by Carl Sandburg

  52. The Red Bird, by Andrew Downing

  53. The Redbreast Chasing the Butterfly, by William Wordsworth

  54. Robin Redbreast, by Eliza Allen Starr

  55. Sea-Gull, by Isaac McLellan

  56. Sea-Gulls Inland, by Teresa Hooley

  57. The Shining Bird, by Marjorie Allen Seiffert

  58. Sing, Little Birdie!, by Watie W. Swanzy

  59. The Snowbird, by Caroline Spencer

  60. The Song of the Cranes, by Su Shi

  61. The Sparrow's Nest, by William Wordsworth

  62. The Swallow, by Anacreon

  63. The Swallow, by Edwin Curran

  64. Swamp Owl, by Lew Sarett

  65. To a Hummingbird, by Christopher Pearse Cranch

  66. To a Raven, by C. B. Langston

  67. To a Robin Redbreast, by Richard Chenevix Trench

  68. To a Sky-Lark, by William Wordsworth

  69. To the Birds, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

  70. To the Cuckoo, by William Wordsworth

  71. To the Man-of-War-Bird, by Walt Whitman

  72. To the Oregon Robin, by John Burroughs

  73. The Whippoorwill, by Isaac McLellan

  74. The White Crane, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

  75. Wild Pigeon, by Isaac McLellan

  76. Wild Swans, by Edna St. Vincent Millay

  77. Winter Birds, by Andrew Downing

  78. With the Eagle, by Edward Robeson Taylor